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Horoscopes - Week of 1/06/2020


Your power and prominence will cause leading medical schools to beat a path to your door, requesting you donate your ego. Hold out for Harvard, one of the greatest repositories.


With the holidays over, it’s time to take stock of what you’ve achieved at work and with your family – and to carefully inventory what you own. Start writing out your wish list for next year’s Christmas. It’s never too early, especially with your new goal of environmental sustainability.


Use your intense, buzzing energy in the New Year for an act of selfless devotion to the good. Consider starting a Boy Scout troop, with special attention to those in need. You might dedicate it to Kim Jong Un, who sorely grieves his uncle and brother as he ponders new challenges.


Last year was not as good to you as you deserved, but this year will prove an improvement. A new deformation in the Force throughout the Gamma sector will provoke widespread terrestrial change, marked by a new spurt of franchise movies. Use this opportunity to learn to cook international cuisines as your appreciation for global friendship grows. Enticing new romantic opportunities may arrive with your signature Xian style lamb dishes.


Your sadness at the passing of loved ones and inevitable personal decline will be countered by a new source of self-empowerment. This is the perfect week to buy a discount membership in Club Narcissus. Its narratives of great American leaders will help you obtain self-mastery and self-love while sparking flashes of deep and unbounded wisdom; a fine perspective for the New Year in the New America.


Remember – the future will be better tomorrow. As your lucky New Year’s snowball hardens and packs in your refrigerator, you will stiffen your resolve, embolden your courage, and maximize self-knowledge, all while searching out that very special person in your life.


Your devotion to home, family and country will be recognized by others when you selflessly abandon your dream vacation to Wakanda in order to care for those you love. But don’t give up any of your secret hopes. Your ultimate reward will come, perhaps by UPS, as the makers of vibranium spears note your special gifts.


This will be a tight and challenging week for you, marked by crises at home, at work, and at the Yoga studio. Use proud warrior pose for courage and self-possession, and downward facing dog for calm in the storm of gathering chaos. Your passion for life will flow ever stronger.


Your desire for adventure will hit a seasonal peak, fostered by quasar collisions in the distant Epsilon sector. Think of becoming your friends’ most intimate tour guide. Your first trip might include a nearby Amazon Fulfillment Center, hotbed of innovation and person-centered technology.


The New Year may open your eyes to a vast vista of enticing possibilities. Recognize this chance for a new start with a new dish. This will be your best week in a decade for eating spicy coconut ramen, which may spark new ideas for advancement at work and daring social encounters.


It’s the week to indulge your profound artistic yearnings. Maurizio Cattelan’s marvelous “Banana,” a browning example with a precise grey tape, sold to three collectors for $120-150K. You will expand its transgressive message with a series of sculptures made of personally used, candy colored dental floss. These you will construct into precise miniature copies of Jeff Koons’ greatest works, including his “Balloon Dogs,” embodied with the personal marks of your artistic practice. Your cleverness in creating these environmentally sensitive recycled materials will wow the critics from Beacon to Borneo.


Your remarkable capacity for adaptation and reflexive sensitivity will finally provide you a small soupcon of family recognition. Remember that by doing best for others, you sometimes best yourself. Be proud of your awakening powers.

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