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  • matthewedlundmd

Horoscopes - Week of 1/20/2020


Your attempts to cement your place as Number One continue to surge forward. This week let your ingenuity confront your imagination to inflict an implosion of mighty intuition! New opportunities for power will emerge in the densest thickets of your social network.


Your sense of caution is legendary and will be well rewarded. Prepare for the coming wars by watching “1917” and “Stalag 17” back to back, and you and your family will know better what’s in store for you, your country, and the Oscars.


Your abundant energy needs an outlet. Aries may own paddleboard yoga, but you can start the craze for car yoga. Just imagine what you and your partner might do in the back seat during your next vacation, then let others’ imaginations stretch to the possibilities.


New opportunities should be arriving for you at work. With the holidays over, it’s time to channel the dark energies of The Force for a good outcome – starting contract negotiations with your employer.


Tired of watching Aries declare itself Number 1? Move forward by combining Ivanka’s new CV app, where all the thousands of your online accomplishments will magically appear, with Kim’s great fashion apps to create a mighty personal avatar that will blow away all competition on Linked In.


Love, love, love. Why has it been missing you? Starting a new Science Fiction Movie Club will allow you meet new potential partners with all the powers of the stars.


Others may complain that you’re too balanced, analytic, considered, but you know better. Now that Carlos Ghosn has moved to Beirut, utilize your powerful entrepreneurial side to go big in Beiruti real estate. With new elections coming, loads of international scofflaws may soon flock to the Lebanese capital, increasing your capital.


This week you may wish to dial down the passionate side of your powerful personality. Start studying Farsi and Russian to calm your mind and prepare for manifold political possibilities.


For too long you have been the slow car in the fast lane. Now is the week to seize time’s passage, and become the fast bicycle in the pedestrian lane, sweeping all rivals aside.


This is the week to plan the dream vacation you’ve always wanted. A combination of Saudi archeologic sites and Wakandan new tech factories may provide you insight on both past and future while saving big on seasonal airfares.


Now that the president has announced the end of all nuclear proliferation and trade wars Forever, you can get ready for your age – The Age of Aquarius! Start by singing all the songs of the rock musical “Hair” in your favorite local sweat lodge.


Tired of the same old friends in the old same places? Take a cue from San Francisco’s “No Pants Bart Ride Day” where riders come to work without pantaloons. Set up your own local version, enlisting the entrepreneurial zeal of Rotary International and your public transport agency. You’re bound to get lots of attention and attract numerous new colleagues, as well as riders new to public transit.

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